
leslee unruh造句


  1. But Leslee Unruh, president of National Abstinence Clearinghouse in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, cautioned that measuring program results is " extremely difficult ."
  2. "I'm pretty certain President Clinton did not understand what would happen; I don't think anyone understood what was about to happen, " said Leslee Unruh, executive director of the Abstinence Clearinghouse of Sioux Falls, S . D ., which provides education materials for abstinence programs.
  3. Art advisory : With a graphic outlining federal abstinence-only policy; and with five photos, of a young woman in an abstinence T-shirt ( NNS1 ), teens at a Louisiana abstinence rally ( NNS2 ), Dan Richey ( NNS3 ), Leslee Unruh ( NNS4 ) and Tamara Kreinin ( NNS5)
  4. Leslee Unruh, president of the National Abstinence Clearinghouse in Sioux Falls, S . D ., a nonprofit advocacy group, said her organization emphasizes that abstinence is " cool " by promoting T-shirts that say " Touch your Dog not Your Date, " music by former Miss America, Tara Dawn, who sings " I save myself for you, " and tattoos that say " I'm worth waiting for ."
  5. It's difficult to find leslee unruh in a sentence. 用leslee unruh造句挺难的


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